When One Decade Closes, Another One Begins

December of 2019 isn’t just the last month of the year, it’s the last month of a decade. You have an amazing opportunity to leave all the limiting beliefs that have held you back for 10 years behind. This is your chance to leave scarcity behind and start fresh with abundance.  

I want you to think about each year in the past decade. Note the times you let limiting beliefs stop you from trying. The time you didn’t raise your hand because you doubted your expertise. The time you didn’t follow-up with a lead because you got scared of success. The time you resisted change because of your fear of failure.  

Then, remember your moments of growth when you overcame those beliefs and chose abundance instead.  

Chances are, as the years progressed, so did your personal development and confidence. Maybe in 2010, you didn’t even know what you wanted to do or be. Perhaps you lacked the confidence to give a presentation, talk to clients, or even identify yourself as a professional. Compared to today, the change is massive. Don’t brush over this or minimize it- you’ve grown and that’s amazing.  

However, the final month of the decade is not the time to slow down. Celebrate, but don’t slack off.  

The way you end the year dictates how you start the next one. Finish the year strong and you’ll go into the new year riding the wave of that power. Although it’s normal for people to relax and put their goals aside during the holidays, I challenge you not to. Instead, spend this time reflecting on the last year and manifesting how you want the next year to be. Visualize where you want to be and set goals to get there.  

When setting your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions, think of a goal and then take it a step farther. Do you want to garner 10 new clients? Make it 110. Do you want to make an extra 10k? Make it 100k. When you set your intentions and visualize them, you start the manifestation process. Part of having a mindset of abundance is knowing that all you desire is yours to take, if you want it. Choosing a small goal shows that you’re still restricted by your limiting beliefs. There’s no room for scarcity in 2020, so make this new decade one of abundance and intention. 

May your holidays be warm and bright. May your 2020 goals and intentions be even brighter.       

If you’re struggling to prepare your mindset for the new year, we can help. Contact us to learn about our individual coaching programs aimed at helping you learn to invest in yourself and achieve your purpose. 

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