Twelve Reasons People Don’t Obtain Financial Success

  1. They don’t have financial goals, or they are not strong enough.
  2. They have no idea what financial success means to them.
  3. They make financial success a moving target.
  4. They have defined financial success in ways that are impossible to achieve.
  5. They never start because they don’t believe they deserve it or they can’t see themselves achieving it.
  6. They never make it an absolute… to achieve financial success.
  7. They never create a realistic plan to follow.
  8. If they have a plan, they don’t execute it.
  9. They won’t take responsibility for their money.
  10. They give up when they face major challenges.
  11. They don’t run their life like a business. They let their checkbook do the thinking instead of asking, “If it were to get done, how could I do it?”
  12. They spend more than they earn.
  • Think about these and have some fun with them.
  • Watch your money and treat it with respect.
  • Find your limiting beliefs and change them. Think BIG — you deserve all that you dream.

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