Top 5 Tips for Personal Growth This Year

In the words of Elon Musk, “If you’re not progressing, you’re regressing; so, keep moving forward.” Personal growth is all about leveling up your confidence, skills, and inner dialogues so you can make a stronger outward impact. Do you want to leave your mark on this world? Then you need to focus on becoming the best version of you possible. Here are 5 tips to make 2020 the year you focus on personal growth.

  1. Set Goals and Make Plans

It’s great to have dreams and plans for your future. However, words are just placeholders for action. If you actually want to move the needle, you need to act. Start by writing down your goals and placing them somewhere you’ll see them each day. Use your calendar to schedule in time blocks to work towards those goals each week. Treat these time blocks like important work meetings you can’t miss. If you aren’t showing up for yourself, what’s the point?

  1. Wake Up Earlier

I don’t want to hear you say there aren’t enough hours in the day to work on your business and your personal development. The time is there you just aren’t using it wisely. One of the smartest things you can do to work on personal growth is to wake up earlier. Set your alarm an hour earlier and spend that extra time working on your personal goals. That could mean going for a run, taking an online course, or learning another language. Of course, you should also go to bed earlier to ensure you get a full night’s rest.

  1. Look in the Mirror

When you avoid self-reflection, you don’t give yourself a chance to take accountability and to grow. Sure, it’s hard sometimes to acknowledge and assess your mistakes and shortcomings. However, if you want to grow as a person, you need to be able to look yourself dead in the eye. Journaling is a great way to reflect on your emotions and behaviours. Acknowledge when you could have done better, and level up.

  1. Embrace Fear and Failure

You’re not alone if you suffer from a fear of failure or a fear of success. Both are normal, but neither are permanent life sentences. No one is forcing you to live a life of fear, so don’t. Understand that sometimes you will fail and feel disappointed. Sometimes you will succeed and end up with way more on your plate than you bargained for. Both are inevitable, so channel your energy into being proactive instead of being fearful.

  1. Invest in Yourself

The smartest investment you could ever make is in yourself. Your attitude, mindset, emotion management, and confidence are worth more than a thousand university degrees. If you know that you need to work on your self-esteem, anger, growth mindset, or negativity, do something about it. Go to therapy and heal from your trauma. Look into life coaching programs to learn the tools you need to become a stronger person.

Red Apple Coaching provides Individual Coaching for anyone interested in taking personal growth seriously. Our programs will whip you into emotional shape and give you the tools you need to live your best life. Contact us to learn more.

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