
Top 10 Techniques to Getting Your Mind Focused On Results You Want

Your Edge Mindset- Get up and reinvent yourself every year, just like the enthusiasm you had your first year.  Don’t let your last year or your last month be the only thing you are living on.  The time it gets easy is when you get into trouble.  You’ll work just as hard but you risk losing your edge.  

Tough Times Mindset – Your worst day gives you the most positive results.  If you don’t get kicked in the teeth and down, you can’t keep growing.  Everyone fails. You are no more than 5 yrs away of getting what you want in life, we fail to remember that in the moment of tough times.  Take responsibility for a bad year or a moment and get excited again!

My Favorite renewable Energy Mindset –  Every time you use your willpower you deplete your blood sugar, like a cell phone battery and that effects your own energy.  Some taxing willpower activities can be things like implementing new behavior, suppressing emotions, coping with fear, always texting, trying to impress others, doing something you don’t enjoy doing.  You need to replenish your energy throughout the day. Keep your energy high, make your big decisions in the morning.  By making listing appointments in the morning rather than in the evening, you and your clients will have more energy and your conversion will increase.  Most Realtors want instant gratification and when you pair that with not renewing your energy it becomes toxic.  Will to say yes and the power to say no gets you where you want to go.

Relationship Mindset – It’s not about how great  “you” are, but how do you serve the people around you and your clients.  Don’t think of your customers as units of revenue.  They are people who have children, sickness and stuff going on their lives.  They matter.  When your customers are #1 your business will grow automatically, that includes people in your team and in your office.    Having a servant mindset is a system for success in itself.  Set standards within yourself.

Mindset – My favorite thing I heard him say was always think if someone has done it, I CAN DO IT!  If no one has done it, I would work really hard to do it.  When you don’t do what you are capable of doing you aren’t living up to your potential, it is an ingredient to your validity.  

Inner Circle Mindset -Create an Inner Circle of people more successful than yourself in the areas of personal, spiritual, financial, physical and professional growth.  Have innovative meetings with leadership and people.   Don’t look for people that are the “same” as you, the best ideas emerge when very different perspectives meet.  Be with them until you’ve outgrown them.  When you combine wildy diverse people and ideas it drives innovation!  Anything that gives you a different perspective does this.  If you are failing, look around you and see who you are surrounding yourself with.  

Change Mindset -Don’t get stuck somewhere on the journey of who you used to be and who you want to become.  Look at what has to change and make the decision to do it.  What are your values and the character you want to live by.  Then connect your decision making to those values.  Live deliberately.  When you connect those good decisions you will start living authentically.  There are no short cuts, but you’ll be far happier living this way and your success will be a great journey that spreads like wildfire!

MVVBP Mindset – Mission, Vision, Values, Beliefs, Perspective.  You’ll know you are leading your life, when you can answer what these are.  Set it everywhere you go, in front of you and the world and say “this is who I am and this is where I am going”.  If you don’t know where you are going, how can anyone help you get there? We want to get in alignment with our lives being as big as it could be.  How big is that and what are true issues holding you back from thinking you can be that big?

Personal productivity mindset – Have a goal.  Make it big.  Bigger than you can imagine and multiply it by 10.  Put yourself and your team on a plan.  Write the plan accordingly to the big goal.  Do a 1-3-5 GPS. One goal, 3 priorities, 5 steps.   Keep breaking that down.  To achieve that one goal, there will be 3 things you need to do, then create 5 steps to get them done.  That creates an operational model.  

My Favorite NFER Mindset (Net Forward energy Ratio)

It takes 1.5 NFER to get a plane off the ground and much more to keep it up there.  If 51% is thrust going forward and 49% is drag pulling back, you don’t have 1.5. You can’t take off.  If you have 60% thrust and 40% drag that gives you the 1.5. In coaching terms, unless you are using 60% of all KW has to offer, you are not Kellerized.   If you want yourself, your team, your market center to really get off the ground use Coaching and training at a high level. If you were at 80% it would double your effectiveness and 100% is INFINITY.  You grow quicker if you have coaches that help you in areas you need. What are you doing to increase your development or are you trying to do it all on your own. If there are systems blocking you from succeeding and you have things getting in the way, ask yourself how much longer are you going to let them get in the way before you decide to make a change.