Shifting Your Mindset During a Crisis

Going through this global pandemic is definitely character-building and testing. Some days can feel like a roller-coaster ride, while other days feel somewhat normal.

Here’s the thing: your brain is reacting as it was designed to since the beginning of time.

When we sense danger, our brains instruct the fight or flight hormones to get pumped through our bodies. That is why you may feel muscle tension, tingling, numbness, shortness of breath, and other symptoms of anxiety. In history, these symptoms were useful. They alerted us to danger so we could decide to evacuate or fight. Today, however, this function of our brain isn’t necessary, most of the time.

If you follow the guidelines put out by the WHO, this situation does not have to ignite a fight or flight response. Adapting to the situation and choosing the thoughts you want to have can help you shift your mindset to a calmer, more intentional place. Here are some useful ways to change your mindset from one of fear to one of strength, resilience and positivity.

  1. Remember Your Resilience

How many hardships have you endured in your life? You may have lost loved ones, gone through a divorce, suffered from illness, or lived through another crisis. If you are reading this, it means you got through it. In those moments, when the anxiety feels too much to bear, remember that you will get through again. Why? Because you are resilient.

  1. Uncertainty Has Always Been There

Many of us look back at the times before this pandemic with longing. Those times seemed idyllic because we knew what was going to happen. But, did we? You never really know what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day. Like today, all we could ever control was our thoughts, emotions, and actions. This is a new situation, so it seems scary to peer into the unknown. Remember that you have been coping with uncertainty your whole life, now you are just more aware of it.

  1. Choose Positivity

Do your anxious feelings serve you well? Do they allow you to grow and evolve? By choosing positivity and strength, you permit yourself to keep moving forward instead of being halted with fear. One day, this crisis will end, we will come out of this and you will have to keep moving. Prepare for that time now by cultivating your long-term vision, being grateful, choosing positive thoughts, and leaning in to your community. Plus, positivity also breeds innovation which is good for your business and your industry.

Your mindset is what allows thoughts and emotions to arise. Choose to have a positive mindset and your emotions will reflect that. If you are interested in getting deeper into changing your mindset through personal or group coaching, contact us today by emailing

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