Is it Fear or Intuition?

Have you ever heard someone say, “just go with your gut” and immediately rolled your eyes? What is a “gut feeling” anyway? Most of us have made split-second decisions based on what we thought our guts were saying, and they were wrong. Your intuition, sometimes called your gut, is wiser than you know. If you feel your intuition has led you astray in the past, you likely weren’t listening closely enough to it. Here’s how you can identify your intuition from your fear and make decisions based on it.

Your Inner Critic

We all have that voice in our heads that likes to put us down and point out our flaws. That voice is called your inner critic. Throughout humans’ evolution, this voice alerted us to danger and helped us stay alive. Today, that voice doesn’t need to alert us of incoming tribes or dangerous predators, so it gets bored. Instead, it finds reasons for you to fear things you shouldn’t. Like, going to a social event with your co-workers or volunteering to give a presentation. Your inner critic will tell you that both opportunities are scary and bad.

Your inner critic is not the same as your intuition.

Your Intuition

Deeper, more entwined with your being is your intuition. Where your inner critic is loud and obnoxious, your intuition is patient, quiet, and stubborn. You can ignore it for days, months, and years, but it will continue to tell you the truth. When it comes to taking an opportunity, like going to a networking event, your intuition only cares about a few things:

  1. If this activity feels good for your personal development, career development, or growth.
  2. If this activity aligns with your core values and passions.
  3. If this activity feels safe, enriching, and expansive.

Your inner critic is not worried about whether this networking event will lead you to feel more expansive. It only feels fear and thus, will always want you to say no to opportunities.

 How to Hear Your Intuition

When you have to make a decision about your future in the short or long term, you need to listen deeply. Expect to hear your inner critic first telling you all the reasons you should say no. Then, ask yourself some key questions that will empower your gut to get louder. Would saying yes make me feel joyful, excited, or passionate? Would I want to do this activity even if I had all the money in the world? Does participating in activities like this make me feel heard, understood, and safe?

Do I want to do this?

Before you decide, pause. Let your inner critic have its say for a moment and then quiet it. Ask your intuition these questions and pay attention to the physical cues it gives you. If you feel excited butterflies, warm comfort, or intrigued curiosity, it’s a yes.

Whether you’re growing your real estate business or building your confidence, listening to your intuition is key. Your inner critic will always want to speak first, but your intuition will tell you the truth. If you’re ready to start tuning into your intuition, I can help. Contact us to get started.

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