How to lead your team through the rest of 2020

Originally published on – By Mary-Anne Gillespie

Being adaptable to change is what sets you apart from other teams. Here are some concrete steps for leading your team through the rest of the year.

Change is inevitable in any business. And in 2020, even though we’re nearing fourth quarter, inevitably there will be a little change, probably for your team, your agents and your clients.

There will always be highs and lows in the market and the economy, especially amid COVID-19. As leader of your team, it’s your responsibility to find a plan, inspire motivation and lead your team through change. Being adaptable to these changes is what sets you apart from other teams. Here are some concrete steps for leading your team.

1. Process your emotions

Change can be scary and overwhelming, especially if you view change as a negative or a loss. For example, you might think that this pandemic has cost you your business, has negatively impacted your opportunity to sell or take things to the next level. The goals you had set for this last quarter of the year, and even this year as a whole, might seem far-fetched now.

Your team could be having these feelings as well. However, it’s important that you process your emotions first. Before you try to lead them with confidence and positivity, work on actually changing your perspective. Change does not have to equal loss; the most successful Realtors view change as an opportunity to thrive.

2. Be transparent

Mary-Anne Gillespie is the CEO and owner of Red Apple Coaching and Consulting in Canada. Connect with her on Facebook or Instagram.

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