Eight Things Aspiring Professionals Gain From Becoming An Apprentice

Apprentice ship programs have been around forever, though they fall in and out of favor periodically. The system is a way to directly train someone in a skill set through hands-on experience, while they operate under the watchful eye of someone who knows where problems are likely to develop. This watch mitigates the inevitable mistakes people make when learning, and provides a chance for someone to share their hard-earned experience. It also allows people a chance to get their feet wet in order to discover whether or not a particular career path works well for their temperament.

In June, President Donald Trump signed an executive order,approximately doubling the amount the government spends on apprenticeship programs. This means that more employees, and more businesses, have an opportunity to take advantage of the training system.

So what specifically can aspiring professionals gain from the program? Here are what members of Forbes Coaches Council say:

  1. It’s An Opportunity To Redefine A Career

Apprenticeships are perfect opportunities for veterans, stay-at-home parents, or those seeking something new to try a different career. It can alleviate student loan debt and discourage career changers from investing in a degree program.

Instead,you take a pay cut to learn a new skill and eventually add value to the workplace. – LaKisha Greenwade, Lucki Fit LLC

  1. You Gain Access To A Community Of Practice

One of the greatest benefits of an apprenticeship is its community of practice. This type of organization surrounds you with seasoned mentors (masters) from whom you learn, and like-minded colleagues (co-apprentices) whom you can turn to for support and connection. A community of practice also gives you a professional identity, which is important to creating a successful, long-term career path. – Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC

  1. It’s A Great Way To Try Areas Of Interest

In working with many zo-year-olds, it appears they have a few ideas and donot know how to see if those ideas make sense or if they are sustainable.

Apprenticeships offer a great way to see and experience practical work in their fields of interest. This is more cost-effective than getting graduate and Ph.D. degrees in a certain field, only to discover they do not have the passion or interest in the long term. Gia Ganesh, Gia Ganesh Coaching

  1. You Learn Without Being Locked In

Learning from an established, seasoned leader gives apprentices a safe environment to learn.

Apprenticeships allow a candidate to have professional experience without being “locked in” to the organization. This is an efficient use of time and resources because the apprentice learns a skill set before being committed to the organization. They can then decide if the jobor company is a good fit. Frances McIntosh, Intentional Coaching LLC

  1. It Improves Engagement

Apprenticeships have shown to have social benefits, such as engaging citizens, improving attitudes towards social responsibility, respect and tolerance for diversity, and connection to others. This provides an increased likelihood to continue working with the community. Additionally, it provides more-defined career plans and professional networking opportunities. It’s an excellent opportunity for everyone!-Mary Anne Gillespie,Red Apple Coaching

  1. It Provides A Chance To Start Fresh

Many people are unsatisfied in their current jobs and have always wanted to try a new role. Embrace the opportunity to be a “novice” again and follow a passion. You are never too old to be an apprentice, and what better way to know how much you will love doing something for your career than trying it and learning from a professional in that space? – Amp Douglas, Spark Coaching, LLC

  1. You Gain Access To A Safety Net When Learning

They say that experience is the best teacher. However, when we get thrown into the job, it’s easy to make mistakes. It’s expected that mistakes will happen, but by serving as an apprentice, young professionals get all the benefits of experience with a safety net for making mistakes, which are just as important to learn from. As the mentor fixes the mistake, the apprentice learns. – Brendan P.Keegan, velocityHUB

  1. Hands On Trumps Theoretical EveryDay

Everyone can benefit from education, and it’s a worthy pursuit, but programs with hands-on training with a master will always come out on top. There is simply nothing more beneficial than learning a craft with your own hands at the feet of a master. You will learn what doesn’t work and the faster way to get from A to Z. Students stand to accelerate their careers and earning via apprenticeships.-Laura De Carlo,Career Directors international