5 tips for building a strong team that’ll last

Originally published on Inman.com – By Mary-Anne Gillespie

The people on your team will ultimately dictate how your business will thrive. It’s far too common for agent teams to hire the wrong people, keep the wrong people on board, and miss out on opportunities for growth and development.

If you want to see significant results from your team, especially in the climate that we are in today, here are some tips to consider:

1. Know your hiring budget

How much can you realistically spend on a new hire? As a rule of thumb, 12 percent of your gross revenue should be attributed to fixed costs such as salaries (however, you can incentivize your team further with bonuses). For example, give your administrative team members the target to increase retention by X percent with a bonus as a reward.

You do not have to exceed your budget to land great hires.

2. Find implementors 

Most team leaders and CEOs are visionaries by nature. That means they come up with brilliant ideas to drive the business forward but may lack the execution skills to bring them to fruition. Implementors take the visionary’s ideas and make them a reality.

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