The Importance of Goal Setting in Abundance

What does it mean to set goals in abundance? Well, it’s about much more than setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. You will see all the opportunities available to you and you’re open to receiving them. When you set goals with this mindset, limiting beliefs such as “I’m not good enough,” one day I’ll achieve that but not yet, or “there’s too much competition/saturation” doesn’t restrict you. Every desire you have is completely within your power to achieve.  

First, review your year. Did you achieve the things you wanted to in 2019? Investigate what prevented you from achieving those goals. For most people, their dedication to resolutions fades away by March/April. What that really means is they stopped meditating on the why behind each of their goals. Pair all your goals with an emotion and a reason why.  

Second, set your intentions. Rather than being a number in your bank account, intentions are about who you are. What kind of person do you want to be in 2020? When youfeet hit the floor in the morning, who are you? An intention could be something like, “I’m someone who learns lessons fearlessly” or “I’m the kind of person who powers through hardships.” In a column beside your 2020 goals, write down who you intend to be this year.  

Third, set your goals. Before you write your idea down, ask yourself if this goal is coming from a scarcity mindset. Are you decreasing your ambition because you’re worried you can’t succeed? That’s scarcity. Are you setting goals that are unrealistically large in order to self-sabotage? That’s also scarcity. Abundance means tuning into what your heart truly wants and knows it deserves. Here are some examples of abundance goals: 

  • I will grow my YouTube subscriber count to 1000.  
  • I will become strong enough to play tag with my kids at the park without running out of breath.  
  • I will be an improved spouse to my partner by being more present when we’re together.  

Fourth, break down those goals. You’re more likely to succeed by having small wins along the way. Break down each goal into chronological baby steps. For example, if your goal is to earn 10 new clients this year, make your first step improving your website and digital marketing. The next step is attending new networking events. The next could be reconnecting with leads that have gone cold. As the baby steps continue, you get closer and closer to your 2020 goal.  

The same technique applies to your 2020 intentions. If you want to become a more generous and empathetic person, start by making a gratitude list every morning for 30 days. Then, contribute your skills to a cause you believe in. Over time, these small wins will accumulate into you becoming the person you want to be.  

You are capable of more than you give yourself credit for. For more information on setting goals and leaning into who you have the potential to becontact us

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