Being Intentional- What Does it Mean to You?

You’ve likely heard the term “mindfulness” thrown around and thought it was another new-age, yogi term. While it can be, true mindfulness is about being aware of your thoughts and feelings. In fact, it’s about being intentional with them because they determine your actions. When you master the art of being intentional, you achieve your goals faster and with more passion. Here’s how to cultivate an intentional mindset.  

What Matters to You? 

What are your goals? What do you define as success? Success is different for each person, so don’t feel like you need to pick the “right answer.” Visualize the life you want to be living as if it’s the present. Think about the job you’re doing, the relationships you have, and the feeling you have when your feet hit the floor each morning. Experience what it feels like to reach your goals and be successful.  

That feeling is your motivation. Every day when you wake up, you need to meditate on that feeling of success. Let it be what drives you and ignites your energy and passion.  

Your Morning Routine 

Mornings are the perfect time to set up your intentional mindset. You’re relaxed from a good night’s sleep and haven’t been affected by the stress of the day. Spend five minutes sitting down to visualize your goals as reality. Acknowledge the power the day ahead of you has- it’s a stepping-stone to getting where you want to go! Decide how you want to approach the day. Do you want to be powerful, dedicated, focused, and compassionate? Make that your intention in the morning and follow it out through the day. 

Work Your Butt Off 

Becoming successful will take more than a few hours a week spent on your goals. You need to dedicate set amounts of time each day to work towards them. So, are you intentional about your schedule? Or do you blast like a hurricane through your tasks, going wherever the wind blows you and getting distracted by emails and unrelated ideas?  

Apply your intentional mindset to your itinerary for the day. Schedule each hour with what you want and need to do. Likely, that won’t include spending three hours reading emails. To be successful, how do you need to be spending your hours? Work your butt off doing those things, automate and delegate the rest. 

You’re in Control 

We’re all victims of our own circumstances. But, you know what? J.K. Rowling’s circumstances didn’t stop her. Neither did Arlene Dickinson’s, Bill Gate’s, or Oprah Winfrey’s. You can’t control the cards you were dealt in this life, but you can control how you play them. You decide what deserves your energy each day, emotionally and physically. You’re in control of how you spend your time and how hard you work. Be intentional with your power by focusing it on your goals.  

Do you need some guidance on laying the framework for your goals and cultivating your intention? Our coaching programs can help you become a master of your own life. Browse our programs and contact us to get started today. 

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