5 Steps to Pivoting Your Business

We can all agree, there is now a new normal in our industry and it is compliant with social distancing practices. While the business itself has not changed, the process sure has and as such, it time to pivot. It is time to adapt to your clients’ new normal which includes doing everything online and staying home.

Here are 5 effective steps to pivot your real estate business so you can adapt to the current climate.

  1. Boost Your Database Efforts

Networking in person is not possible right now and therefore, your online database building efforts are critical. One way you can boost your efforts is by leveraging the contacts you have on social media.

Start joining new, relevant Facebook groups where you can network online. Be proactive with your existing lists and reconnect with your contacts, clients, friends, neighbors and community at large. Instruct your admin teams to focus on getting you more contacts. Do not let your database fall to the wayside; it is the ultimate lifeline of your business.

  1. Adapt to Virtual Tools

There is no way around this step if you want to conduct business in today’s climate. You must adapt to virtual tools and technology. One of the most popular for client meetings is Zoom, but you can also use Skype or other video calling programs like Whatsapp, Microsoft Teams, etc. Social media videos (like stories and lives) are great for giving client tours of new listings from the safety of their homes.

  1. Shift Your Mindset

Your brain is designed to sense danger and instruct you to enter fight or flight mode. However, that mindset does not allow you to be proactive or innovative in your business. Shifting your mindset is key and it starts with reminding yourself of all the hurdles you have already overcome. You have been through tough situations before and you will get through this as well.

  1. Leverage Exclusive Listings

Exclusive listing arrangements are amazing sources to tap into right now. If you have a buyer that needs to get into a new home as soon as possible, access the Exclusive Listings list. Connect with the other realtors associated with relevant listings. Not only is this great business for you, but it helps the other realtor and their client.

And remember, there is nothing wrong with earning an income, even during a pandemic. Ditch the guilt and cultivate a more positive mindset.

  1. Collaborate with Other Realtors

Collaboration has always been a pillar of this industry. Today, it’s more vital than ever. Focus on building your relationships with other realtors and keeping an eye on their needs. You can create mutually beneficial deals when you collaborate.

One way to reinforce your connections with other realtors is to support each other on social media. Share their content and engage with their posts. Get in front of each other’s networks through live video interviews and guest blog posts. When the tides rise, all boats are lifted.

Have you adapted your scripts to the current climate? Consider joining our weekly Scripting Tribe. You will learn how to navigate client communication, generate leads, and uplevel your career from script master, Mary-Anne Gillespie!

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